• The purpose is to reduce the uncertainty

    With analytics we create knowledge to mitigate risk and to deal with uncertainty
    A Learning System is equivalent to the convergence of Machine, Business and Statistical Learning Processes
  • Strengths by Analytics

    The value of analytics is related to impact created in organizations. Impact is real when analytics results are possible to embed in the business processes improvement.
    The main principles are:
  • The most important is the continuous process as a system where feedback is in each stage
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  • There are four processes to management Analytics Knowledge
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  • The Analytics Learning System is composed by:
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  • All analytics processes are using Statistical, Machine and Business learning steps and capabilities
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  • Development of Analytics Solutions

    From data to actions and from ideas to solutions
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IQAnalytics Institute

MINDS – Mathematics Innovation and Discovery Space

This is a Space for students to Captivate their Creativity and Curiosity in Mathematical Sciences. This is a dynamic Space to Learn, Share and Enjoy students' Knowledge development in Mathematical Sciences and thier aplications to real problems.

SOUNDS – Society Uncertainty and Data Science

This is the means to connect academia, society and government in the development of applied research for solving real problems.

Portfolio Analytics

Some years ago the concept of portfolio was more associated with financial/investment portfolio. Currently, we use the Analytics Process to study and provide recommendations to manage portfolios of: Products & Services, Locations/Regions, Promotions, and Projects. All these crucial portfolios that organizations are managing every day.

Risk Analytics

Risk Analytics is the use of the Analytics process in Risk Management. There is a need to move organizations to the level where risk assessment, monitoring and control can be supported by statistical and machine learning methods the same as the analysis of structured and non-structure data, regular data or big data. This is an enhancement of capabilities to achieve the goal of using risk management as a means to improve performance of organizations.

YORC – Guiding Young Analytics Leaders

One of the most important projects at IQAnalytics Inc. is the support to initiatives to increase the skills of new generations to work in a digital-knowledge based society. The learning process of programming in traditional ways, the development of visual programming and use of the tools, methods and techniques to create solutions in organizations is the priority. Our initiatives are to suppot statistical, machine, robotic, AI and related topics among new generations in particular in countries where their development will be based on the use of mind power to create a better living conditions.

Research & Books for Everyone

Everyday we produce content to support the development of analytics knowledge we are committed to share and to provide support to the development of content in the form of books, conferences, articles, models, code, courses to prepare all of people interested in analytics and related areas.

Data Resources

Our work is to support the Analytics Process creating the usable data sets that organizations require for using them in modeling process and solutions interpretation.

Statistics & Sector Analysis

With the use of the Analytics Process we help to answer the questions about organization's performance in a strategic group and in an industry.

Latest News

The Analytics World

The Analytics World has wonderful historical moments and aspects to think and reflect about. There are multiple things to use in the current demand of solutions based on analytics in data-drive organizations. These examples of the historical experience show part of the analytics evolution: Brownian Motion was described by Brown

Beautiful reflections about Data Analytics

“In our work with dozens of companies in six data rich industries, we have found that fully exploiting data and analytics requires three mutually supportive capabilities… First, companies must be able to identify, combine, and manage multiple sources of data. Second, they need the capability to build advanced analytics models

Analytics has been forever

“In the years since the mid 1950’s a trend toward a new and more scientific approach to the solution of business problems has been developing. It stems from methods first suggested by the advocates of “operations research.” But, it is already apparent that by drawing in depth both on mathematics

IQAnalytics Inc. Institute

The IQAnalytics Inc. Institute is committed to providing Analytics courses and training for leaders and professionals. There are several specialized programs for Data Analytics in Insurance, Banking, Healthcare, Risk Management, Education that are unique from IQAnalytics Inc. providing the value in organizations based on the hands - on training for implementation of analytics, You can select courses plans and specializations in areas of interest such as marketing analytics, risk analytics, operations management, artificial intelligence, and many others in the context of your Industry and Interest.